Sunday, September 20, 2015

A thought for Shmini Atzeret

"God is a mathematician" - Plato

It is well-known that people around the globe celebrate mathematics in general, and pi (=3.14159...) in particular, on the dates which correspond to its common approximations.

These dates are March 14, 3.14 by the month-day notation, and July 22, 22/7 by the day-then-month notation.

But the Jewish calendar has its own day for this!

The first day of Succot is the 15 of Tishrei  (בְּמִדְבַּר כט:יב  וּבַחֲמִשָּׁה עָשָׂר יוֹם לַחֹדֶשׁ הַשְּׁבִיעִי). Hoshana Rabba, six days later, is the 21rst.

And Shmini Atzeret, the great day of closeness between Hashem and His nation - is the 22nd day of the 7 month.

We are His people, and He is our PhD advisor.

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